Scaling B2B Businesses To 7-Figures By Adding 2+ Guaranteed Deals Per Month

Looking to boost your brand, convert more deals, and build a community of loyal clients?

The best part is... If you don't get any new deals, we don't get paid.

Step 1: Watch the video below to see how it works:

Step 2: Schedule your B2B lead generation discovery call:

Using the exact method I’m going to show you here, we’ve booked hundreds of sales calls & demos with B2B decision makers in various industries.

For example, this is a campaign we ran for a B2B company. As you can see, we secured them 37 interested leads in less than a month, from a list of only 752 people, resulting in $444,000 in pipeline, 12 booked meetings, and 4 new clients:

And what we're about to outline is what we consider a "small-scale" campaign.

However, if you have a sizable addressable market, the potential is truly limitless.

In this straightforward guide, I'll walk you through how to effortlessly schedule 10-20 additional sales calls for your B2B company every month...

  • Without investing in ads,
  • Without creating content, and
  • Without hiring extra sales personnel.
  • You can start implementing this in as little as 14 days.

Assuming a conservative 20% closing rate on sales calls and a customer lifetime value (CLV) of $15K, this method could generate an additional $300,000 in revenue for your B2B business.

This calculation is based on the "worst-case scenario" of booking only 10 meetings per month and factoring in a month or two off for holidays (100 meetings x 20% x $15K CLV = $300K).

(Now, if you're thinking, "We're already a large company, and $300k won't make a dent..." This example simply illustrates the minimum potential with a basic setup. If you have the infrastructure to handle more calls, you can scale this approach accordingly.)

Now before we get into how you can use this method to add at least $300,000 to your B2B company’s revenue, let’s talk about who this is for:


  • Owner/Founder/CEO
  • Head of Sales/BDM
  • Growth Marketer


  • Sells your products or services to other businesses
  • Has at least a $2,000 customer lifetime value (CLV)

... AND YOU:

  • Want to take your company’s growth to the next level but aren’t sure how
  • Have tried other lead generation methods and been underwhelmed by the results
  • Are looking for a cost-effective way to secure meetings with your ICP

Then stick around…

But first, you’re probably wondering who am I to make such a bold claim…

My name’s Matt Szaton and I’ve been in the digital marketing world for more than 8 years.

In that time I’ve worked with countless B2B companies on their revenue operations, with a particular focus on messaging and lead generation.

Here are a few of the companies I've worked with:

Because of my background in sales, working with entrepreneurs like Chris Waller (KING COMM) and Ravi Abuvala, I guess you could say my “secret sauce” is creating messages that grab your prospects’ attention and get them taking action (a crucial part of successful outbound lead generation).

Case in point, here are some examples of the types of responses you can expect to receive when you do this right:

As you can see, when we craft the right message, with the right offer, and get it in front of the right people, we have them chasing us.

All without the need to spend money on expensive ads, or create endless content hoping that some day it’ll pay off.

And the best part is that because we have processes in place, a system like this can be up and running in as little as 14 days.

Okay so here's the truth…

You absolutely can generate an additional $300,000 using targeted outreach…

However many B2B businesses are operating with outdated systems and strategies, which leads to them investing in ineffective marketing that shows little return on investment.

Unfortunately, they lack the skills, knowledge, or resources to create a high-functioning lead generation system in-house.

They might get some elements right, but unless all the components of outbound lead generation work together, like the legs of a stool, the whole system falls over, wasting time, money, and effort.

In this document, I'll demonstrate how to overcome this challenge and outshine your outdated competitors who are lagging behind in the digital realm.

A brief overview of our agency's background...

I'm not sharing this to boast, but rather to illustrate my commitment to helping businesses like yours thrive. As mentioned earlier, I've devoted a significant portion of my career, spanning over 8 years, to lead generation and digital marketing.

My team and I have collaborated with numerous companies spanning various B2B industries, consistently delivering remarkable results. To date, we've generated well over 7 figures in revenue for our clients, with more success stories unfolding.

Additionally, I've had the privilege of being featured on various podcasts and in articles, where I've shared insights on cutting-edge marketing strategies in Poland.

Having engaged in outbound lead generation for my own business for over 2 years, I eventually found myself unintentionally becoming an expert in the field. Others began seeking my assistance, even offering compensation for my guidance.

Recognizing this demand, we pivoted our agency to specialize solely in outbound lead generation for B2B companies, and the results speak for themselves.

Now that we've covered that...

Let’s look at the “old way” of B2B lead generation that a lot of companies are still operating with:

Step 1: Building a targeted prospect list

❌ Old way: Manually searching for prospects through online directories and social media, or buying an expensive list from a gatekeeper

❌ Old result: Time-consuming and inaccurate data, overpaying for access

✅ New way: Use AI-driven tools to build a highly targeted list of prospects based on industry, job title, geography, company size, and purchase intent

✅ New result: 5x faster prospecting, leading to higher-quality leads and more time for actual outreach. Accurate and up-to-date contact information

⚠️ Key takeaway: AI-driven prospecting ensures a more targeted and empowered approach

Step 2: Crafting personalised outreach emails

❌ Old way: Sending generic cold email templates to prospects

❌ Old result: Low open and response rates, poor engagement

✅ New way: Utilizing direct response copywriting and AI segmentation tools to tailor content according to prospects' industry, job title, location, timing (day/week/year), and specific pain points relevant to their company or avatar

✅ New result: 3x higher open and response rates, improved engagement, and fostering stronger rapport with prospects

⚠️ Key takeaway: Well-written, personalized cold emails lead to better engagement, more booked meetings, and higher close rate

Step 3: Automating follow-up sequences

❌ Old way: Manually following up with prospects via email, or no follow up at all

❌ Old result: Inconsistent follow-ups, missed opportunities

✅ New way: Utilise the latest AI-powered email automation tools to schedule and send personalized follow-up sequences to nurture prospects

✅ New result: 2x more leads booked on sales calls, increased efficiency, and no missed opportunities

⚠️ Key takeaway: Automated follow-up sequences drive higher conversion rates in less time

Step 4: Tracking and optimising campaign performance

❌ Old way: Manually tracking email metrics through spreadsheets (or not tracking at all)

❌ Old result: Limited insights, time-consuming, and difficult-to-optimize campaigns

✅ New way: Implement analytics and tracking tools to measure and analyze email campaign performance in real-time

✅ New result: 4x faster data-driven decision-making, leading to continuous campaign improvement and more booked calls

⚠️ Key takeaway: Real-time analytics empowers businesses to optimize email campaigns for better results

Step 5: Scaling and systematising the process

❌ Old way: Limited scalability due to manual processes - hiring more staff

❌ Old result: Inability to grow lead generation process - amplification of inefficiencies

✅ New way: Integrate all lead generation tools and processes into a single platform with a specialized team, making it easy to scale and replicate the success

✅ New result: Seamless scalability, leading to 10-20 additional sales calls every month without additional effort

⚠️ Key takeaway: A centralized lead generation system enables B2B companies to grow their sales pipeline quickly and effortlessly

So in summary, what you need to do is:

1. Build a targeted prospect list

2. Craft personalized outreach emails

3. Automate follow-up sequences

4. Track and optimize campaign performance

5. Scale and systematize the process

And you can add an extra $300K in revenue without relying on referrals, ads, or creating content, by using AI-leveraged, highly targeted outreach.


Option one involves figuring it out independently, but keep in mind:

- It could take 3-6 months to grasp all the intricacies and make the system profitable.

- You might need to recruit extra team members to construct/manage the system or spend several hours daily overseeing and optimizing it (handling responses alone can consume hours daily for just one campaign).

- You may end up spending over $20,000 on training, salaries, and systems.

Alternatively, option two is to partner with our specialized agency, TimeToScale, which is already equipped with the expertise, technology, processes, and proven results to help you achieve those additional 10-20 sales calls every month, resulting in $300K in additional revenue. This can begin in as little as 10 business days from when you decide to work with us.

Once more, this opportunity is tailored for B2B business owners, sales leaders, and growth marketers seeking to consistently schedule sales calls every month for sustainable growth. If you're grappling with outdated lead generation methods, manual inefficiencies, or costly ad campaigns that fall short of expectations, this is for you.

Countless companies are already leveraging these approaches to attain remarkable outcomes.

Take, for instance, one of our clients in the financial industry seeking to engage decision-makers and promote their services. We assisted them in crafting a precise target list of prospects, compelling messaging, and scalable systems for connecting with these decision-makers.

The outcomes were extraordinary, yielding over 65 opportunities and injecting $1,625,000 into their pipeline in less than 90 days.

Companies such as Zoom, General Electric, HubSpot, and Dropbox, alongside numerous other B2B enterprises, have all leveraged outbound lead generation to swiftly scale their businesses into billion-dollar enterprises.

The reason is simple: it works.

Now, with the assistance of AI, this process can be executed with greater precision and efficiency than ever before. This means we can implement these systems in your business in record time and at a fraction of the previous cost.


1. You’ll be able to generate high-quality B2B leads matching your ICP at a consistent rate, allowing you to fill your sales pipeline with opportunities that are genuinely interested in your offerings.

2. You can even experience a significant increase in your close rate because the leads have been nurtured, resulting in more closed deals and increased revenue for your company.

3. You can achieve these results starting in as little as 14 days, eliminating the long waiting periods and uncertainty that often come with other lead generation methods.

4. You can finally get rid of inefficient, outdated lead generation techniques that drain your resources and yield minimal returns.

5. You can forget about spending a fortune on ad campaigns and poorly executed outbound that may not deliver the desired results or may even damage your brand reputation.

6. You’ll feel confident, empowered, and secure in your lead generation process, knowing that you have a proven system working for you, maximizing your chances of success.


1. AI-driven prospect list building:

❌ Before, when you wanted to build a targeted prospect list, you would have to manually search for prospects through online directories and social media, or buy a shady list of leads.

✅ Now, you can use our expertise & simple AI-driven research tools to generate a highly targeted list of prospects based on industry, job title, company size, and purchase intent, without the time-consuming and potentially inaccurate data collection process. See how easy that is?

2. AI-driven segmentation & personalization

❌ Before, when you wanted to craft targeted outbound emails, you would have to send generic messages to prospects.

✅ Now, you can use our copywriting skills + AI-driven email personalization tools to customize content based on the prospect's industry, job title, geography, time of day/week/year, and avatar/company pain points without the low engagement rates and poor rapport-building.

3. Email automation and follow-ups

❌ Before, when you wanted to follow up with prospects, you would have to manually send follow-up emails.

✅ Now, you can use our strategies & email automation tools to schedule and send personalized follow-up sequences without the inconsistency, missed opportunities, and inefficiencies of manual follow-ups.

4. Real-time analytics and tracking

❌ Before, when you wanted to track and optimize your email campaigns, you would have to manually record metrics through spreadsheets.

✅ Now, you can use our analytics and tracking tools to measure and analyze campaign performance in real-time without the time-consuming and limited insights of manual tracking.

5. Centralized lead generation system

❌ Before, when you wanted to scale your lead generation process, you would have to rely on limited scalability due to manual processes.

✅ Now, you can leverage our team and a centralized platform to integrate all lead generation tools and processes, making it easy to scale and replicate success without the inability to grow your lead generation campaigns.

With all these powerful features, you're able to transform your outbound lead generation process into a streamlined, efficient, and scalable system that consistently delivers high-quality leads and booked sales calls, without the drawbacks of traditional methods.

Now, in the past, if you wanted to get this done using traditional marketing agencies or building an in-house team, it would cost you $20,000 per month or more in fees and salaries.

We are only a fraction of that investment.

Here's what you get when you work with us:

1. A comprehensive, optimized outbound lead generation system, fully built and managed for you. This typically incurs $15,000 in setup fees alone.

2. Access to our AI-powered prospecting tools and Ideas Client Persona Research (ICPR™) method, enabling us to compile an initial list of up to 10,000 ideal prospects. This holds a value of $3,800.

3. Proficient copywriting combined with AI-driven message generation, facilitating the swift and precise creation of highly tailored messages. This is assessed at a value of $4,500.

4. AI-driven scheduling and automation systems, ensuring messages are sent at optimal times and responses are managed efficiently, thus minimizing missed opportunities and maximizing sales potential. This feature is valued at $300 per month.

5. Expert support, response handling, appointment scheduling, and campaign management, leveraging our extensive experience and knowledge in B2B lead generation. This ensures your campaigns are optimized for success and holds a value of $6,000 per month.

Instead of paying more than $100,000 to achieve all this, we’re offering this incredible package to you for only a fraction of that price.

All you need to do from here is to book a call with us so we can learn more about your business and the types of clients you’re trying to attract.

Now we only take on a handful of clients each month so we can give every campaign the attention it deserves to get the type of results you've seen here, so make sure you lock in your spot while we still have availability.

As a token of appreciation for reaching the end, we have something extraordinary in store for you...

When you schedule a call with us and reference this offer, we'll provide a unique bonus: customized market research tailored to showcase the precise number of prospects within your specific target market. Additionally, we'll outline the strategy we'd employ to curate a high-quality prospect list. This exclusive offering grants you a head start on your lead generation initiatives, providing insight into the size of your potential target audience and the effectiveness of your targeted outbound campaigns.

Now you should also be aware:

We offer a performance guarantee...

If we take you on as a client, it means we are so sure we can get you the results we promise, that you don’t pay a cent if we don’t achieve the result.

So let’s summarise what we’re offering you here. You get:

  • A complete outbound lead generation system installed in your business
  • Expert copywriting and messaging done for you so your messages will resonate
  • Help and advice to set everything up and manage the system
  • Ideal Client Persona Research™ and smart list building so your messages are going to the right people
  • All our systems and processes, with the option of ongoing management of your outbound campaigns, so you can focus on running your business
  • A FREE custom market analysis just for attending your call with us
  • All commencing in as little as 14 days from sign on

This will allow you to book an additional 10-20 sales calls with warm prospects reliably every single month, enabling you to scale your business, adding at least $300,000 in revenue, without spending money on ads or relying on the old methods to generate leads.

All for a ridiculously low price compared to the traditional methods of achieving these results.

But we can only take on a handful of clients each month because of the highly custom nature of the system we create for you.

And if for some unlikely reason, we don’t get these results for you, you don’t pay.

All you need to do is book a call using the link below, and we look forward to speaking with you…


How much does it cost?

Our pricing structure consists of 8-weekly payments. While I can't give you the exact price, as it changes, depending on the volume of applications and stage of the promotion. Typically the return on investment is at least 10x.

What sort of ROI can I expect?

The return on investment (ROI) for our cold email campaigns depends on factors such as the lifetime value of your customers, your close rate, and the cost per appointment. Based on our experience the ROI is usually 10x+, and clients usually close around 10-30% of the calls we book. Here are a few hypothetical scenarios to give you a better idea of what to expect:

Scenario 1:

Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer: $2,500

Appointments booked: 100

Closed deals: 20 (20% close rate)

Total revenue: $50,000

Scenario 2:

Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer: $15,000

Appointments booked: 20

Closed deals: 3 (15% close rate)

Total revenue: $45,000

Scenario 3:

Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer: $50,000

Appointments booked: 10

Closed deals: 1 (10% close rate)

Total revenue: $50,000

Please keep in mind that these scenarios are for illustrative purposes only and actual costs/results may vary. We'll work closely with you to optimize the campaigns to maximize your ROI, and we won’t even take you on as a client if the numbers don’t make sense.

How long does it take to see results from campaigns?

Our clients typically start seeing results within the first 30 days of launching their cold email campaigns (which happens 14 days after signing on). However, it's important to note that results may vary depending on the target audience, industry, and other factors.

Do you offer any guarantee on the number of calls generated?

While we can’t guarantee a specific number of leads or appointments because every business and offer is different, we are committed to delivering the best possible results for your business. Our pricing model is based on the number of successful results (e.g. attended appointments with qualified leads), ensuring that you only pay for things that will actively add revenue to your business.

Our market is extremely niche, can we still target them?

In most cases, yes. We use a variety of tools and strategies to create prospect lists. If your ideal clients can be found online, we have methods to reach them. Examples of this might be a partner directory for a specific software tool, a supplier/distributor list, LinkedIn (Sales Navigator) search results, Google search results, and even just a list of websites in a given industry or niche. Plus, we can customize the outreach as needed, personalizing every message if required to secure meetings with your highest-value prospects.

How do you ensure compliance with data and anti-spam regulations?

We take compliance very seriously and strictly adhere to GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant data protection and anti-spam regulations. Our AI-driven tools have built-in compliance measures, and our team is trained to follow best practices for targeted outreach.



+$24,300, 30 days: "Within 30 days we've closed one deal which represents 4.5x ROI on what we've spent so far."

- Adam Hanin, Commerce12

+$40,000, 60 days: "I’m a fan of your services. Your conversion rate is higher than essentially what I’ve done in the past training my own staff. Whereas now our company just told you our target demographics, let you work your magic and we already made a deal in the first 30 days of working together." - Jon Belluomo, Trendzi Media

"I was generating more leads and appointments than I could handle" - Jake Tuimaualuga, ImmiVisa


+$40,000, 60 days

I’m a fan of your services. Your conversion rate is higher than essentially what I’ve done in the past training my own staff. Whereas now our company just told you our target demographics, let you work your magic and we already made a deal in the first 30 days of working together.

+$24,300, 30 days

Within 30 days we've closed one deal which represents 4.5x ROI on what we've spent so far.

+$20,000 MRR, 30 days

I was able to close 4 deals in 30 days and added over $20,000 in monthly revenue!

Clarity Since Day 1

Matt knows his craft. We only had a short conversation, but even during that, he was immediately able to pinpoint the bits that needed tweaking in my social strategy and what changes would make the biggest difference. Not only does Matt have a wealth of experience and knowledge, he also easily communicates it so you know what you have to do. I am very grateful.

+$10,000 MRR, 50 days

+$4,500, Phoneless


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